What Should You Know Before Learning React JS? πŸ€”

React JS has quickly emerged as the leading library for the development of user interfaces, most notably single-page applications. However, before losing yourself with React, there are a few things that you should know which are necessary in order to make learning easier. If you are also seeking to acquire such knowledge prior to venturing into React JS, there is a guide for you in this blog.

Essential Prerequisites for Learning React JS πŸš€

Prior to embarking on an adventure of learning React JS, you need to know that it is a framework based on JavaScript. This means that it is important to have good knowledge of the language. Here are the basic concepts that you need to understand:

  • Core JavaScript concepts
  • HTML fundamentals
  • CSS styling
  • Version control with Git

Understanding JavaScript πŸ“œ

Understanding JavaScript πŸ“œ

JavaScript is the backbone of React JS. Below are the core concepts you need to master:

  • Variables: Understanding `let`, `var`, and `const`.
  • Control structures: Familiarity with conditional statements and loops.
  • Functions: Understanding how to create and invoke functions, including arrow functions.
  • Array methods: Knowledge of methods like `map`, `filter`, and `reduce`.
  • Asynchronous programming: Understanding Promises, async/await, and callback functions.

These concepts will not only help you in React but also in any JavaScript-related work. The more comfortable you are with JavaScript, the easier it will be to grasp React’s features and functionality.

HTML Fundamentals πŸ—οΈ:Learning React JS

HTML is the markup language used to create the structure of web pages. Here are the essential HTML concepts you should know:

  • Understanding tags: Knowledge of open and close tags.
  • Common elements: Familiarity with elements like `

    `, `

    `, `

    `, and semantic tags.
  • Forms and inputs: Basic understanding of form elements and attributes.


CSS Basics 🎨

When working with React, you will often need to manipulate HTML elements. Thus, having a good grasp of HTML will make it easier for you to structure your components effectively.

CSS Basics 🎨

CSS is used for styling web pages. To work with React, you should be familiar with:

  • Selectors: Understanding class selectors, ID selectors, and element selectors.
  • Box model: Knowledge of margins, borders, padding, and how they affect layout.
  • Responsive design: Familiarity with media queries and mobile-first design.
  • CSS frameworks: Basic knowledge of frameworks like Bootstrap can speed up your development process.

CSS will play a significant role in how your React components look. If you are comfortable with CSS, you can focus more on the logic and functionality of your components rather than getting stuck on styling issues.

Version Control with Git πŸ› οΈ:Learning React JS

Git is essential for managing changes in your codebase. Knowing how to use Git will help you collaborate with others and keep track of your project’s history. Here are some fundamental Git concepts:

  • Basic commands: Understanding commands like `git clone`, `git commit`, `git push`, and `git pull`.
  • Branching: Knowing how to create and manage branches.
  • Collaboration: Familiarity with platforms like GitHub for sharing and collaborating on code.


By mastering Git, you will be able to work on larger projects more efficiently and with better organization.

Frameworks and Libraries πŸ”—

While not mandatory, having knowledge of frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS can enhance your development speed. These libraries allow you to create responsive designs quickly and efficiently. Here’s what you should know:

  • Bootstrap: Understanding the grid system and pre-defined classes for layout and styling.
  • Tailwind CSS: Familiarity with utility-first CSS principles.
    Frameworks and Libraries πŸ”—

Using these frameworks can make your React components visually appealing without spending too much time on custom styling.

Final ThoughtsΒ  about Learning React JSπŸ’­

This is the same concept as developing for mobile devices. In addition to doing the above, ensure that the presupposed knowledge base is addressed before you start learning React JS. This is spoken in generics, since it holds true that in as much as JavaScript, HTML, CSS and git are trying to moderate the end developer in most cases, they involve constant rules. It is rekommenderat a person refrain from touching javascript without such prepanor preparation.

The higher the number of skills mastered, the better chances for the individual to develop cross platform applications and make use of different libraries. These areas have demonstrated, both logically and by practice, that if devote your time and effort in learning them, this will ease allith, your learning curve thereafter. I hope I helped you find a book associated with React.